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Anna María Bogadóttir/ÚRBANISTAN was part of the design team of BASALT Architects in the preparation of a competition proposal for Óðinstorg (Odin's square). Óðinstorg is a public square located at the intersection of five streets in the center of Reykjavík, where the city center's crowded residential area and shopping center meet.


The city bought the lot in the early 20th century that was planned as a public square in an emerging residential neighborhood. In the sixties, the square became a car park and the competition revolved around the restoration of the square as a multi-purpose public space that intertwines and strengthens the surrounding activities and environment. The slope of the area is used to divide the square into three different areas, each of which reflects a certain type of public space; market square / stage, public park / park and restaurant square.


The design proposal assumes that Óðinstorg can be both a framework for privacy and mass events, making use of the slope as a natural amphitheater. With the square's diverse uses, its appearance changes in line with the city's suns, seasons and event calendar.


Óðinstorg, Reykjavík

Design Competition held by Reykjavík City

Collaboration / BASALT achitects

Role / Member of design team together with  Sigríður Sigþórsdóttir, Hrólfur Karl Cela, Einar Hlér Einarsson

Other collaborators / Auður Sveinsdóttir, landslagsarkitekt, Edda Ívarsdóttir, borgarhönnuður, Daríó Gustavo Núñez Salazar, lýsingarhönnun

Client / Reykjavíkurborg

1st prize in a design competition

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