ÚRBANISTAN vinnur að gerð sýninga og rannsókna á innviðum
hins manngerða umhverfis auk þess að leiða greiningarvinnu og samtal í þróunar- og stefnumótunar-verkefnum þvert á stjórnsýslusvið, fræðasvið og fagsvið
ÚRBANISTAN vinnur að gerð sýninga og rannsókna á innviðum
hins manngerða umhverfis auk þess að leiða greiningarvinnu og samtal í þróunar- og stefnumótunar-verkefnum þvert á stjórnsýslusvið, fræðasvið og fagsvið
ÚRBANISTAN vinnur að gerð sýninga og rannsókna á innviðum
hins manngerða umhverfis auk þess að leiða greiningarvinnu og samtal í þróunar- og stefnumótunar-verkefnum þvert á stjórnsýslusvið, fræðasvið og fagsvið

The Value of Housing is a housing research, event and publishing project, derived from architectural and economic research in the context of housing development in Iceland. With an emphasis on design and planning quality, the project aims to generate prosperity for all individuals.
In the ongoing housing discourse, quantity, availability, and square footage often dominate the conversation, overshadowing the critical question of the actual dwellings being manufactured. Few aspects of our lives hold greater importance and impact on our overall well-being and quality of life than our living arrangements and the organization and design of our housing environment.
Quality for all or reserved only for the elite?
The contemporary challenges of public health and environmental challenges necessitate an unprecedented emphasis on design quality in residential construction. Factors such as light, spatial structure, sunlight, and shelter play pivotal roles in influencing residents' well-being and daily life, particularly during the development of apartments and urban densification. To foster quality accessible to all in housing development, it is imperative to prioritize the residents, their well-being, and their everyday experiences.
Forthcoming Publication in 2024
Collaboration / Hildur Gunnarsdóttir, Hólmfríður Ósmann Jónsdóttir & Hrefna Björg Þorsteinsdóttir / AArkitektar, Ásta Logadóttir / LOTA engineers, Ásgeir Brynjar Torfason, Snæfríð Þorsteins, Elsa Ævarsdóttir
The project has received support from the Iceland Design Fund, Guðjóns Samúelsson memorial fund, Icelandic Literature Centre, Askur building research fund, Iceland University of the Arts